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Eidos (A Search for Home)



ISBN-13:  978-1496068835


Harmonia is a fourteen year old girl growing up on the planet of Sky, one of three planets that circle their sun. All of her life, the Corporations of Sky have owned the planet. Throughout the years they have taken the food, water, and resources of the planet for themselves. It was not long before they soon started claiming ownership over the people of Sky, soon all of the grown-ups had all but disappeared, which included Harmonia's parents.

            Raised alone, with nothing but her dying grandfather as a caretaker, she strugles to find her place on a planet run by the children left behind. Harmonia is lost in a silly world she cannot seem to understand at all. Until one day, her grandfather reveals a secret that few have heard before. That on the far side of their sun, sits a place, a secret planet, that knows only peace and equality, a place called Eidos.

            Driven by a series of unfortunate events, an unexpected horizon awaits Harmonia as she begins her journey to find the distant planet of Eidos, in hopes that her parents may already be waiting for her. What little she knows is that the greatest adventure of her life waits just ahead. Wooden ships that traverse the emptiness of space moved by unseen solar winds, the fractured remains of a planet broken by a senseless feud, and countless other odd adventures await Harmonia across the distant seas of space.

            The only certainty is that her journey, Harmonia's search for a place called home, will reach far beyond the boundaries of the imagination....



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